What are Medi-Facials ?
Medical facials or medi-facials consist of advanced aesthetic treatments that help produce more collagen and boost your complexion. They are performed under the supervision of a dermatologist, using ingredients that are skin friendly and medically proven to benefit skin in the long run. Medi-facials help people to get clearer and healthier skin.
Why are Medi-Facials considered better than regular facials ?
A monthly facial is a beauty ritual which involves usage of various creams and facial massage to soothe the skin and help it to glow for a few days. If you want to really renew your skin, you should opt for medi-facials which penetrate the skin's layers and have a better and long-lasting effect. Medi-facials provide an instant brightening effect as well as anti- aging benefits, with no side effects.
What are the benefits of Medi-Facials?
Medi-facials incorporate mild peeling agents, advanced equipments to hydrate and exfoliate the skin, and some specific techniques such as radio frequency current to firm up the skin. With the help of these products and machines, the treatment penetrates epidermal layers and targets the deeper dermal layer of the skin as well, leaving skin hydrated and rejuvenated.
Why are Medi-Facials superior to regular salon facials?
Medi -facials are planned and executed under the expert guidance of a dermatologist, who will analyse your skin and advice accordingly.
Also , we avoid steam, scrubbing skin and facial massages as this can damage the skin , break superficial blood vessels , irritate sensitive skin and sometimes cause breakouts . Also all equipment is sterilised thoroughly before each client use to prevent any chances of fungal, bacterial or viral infections.
What are the various types of Medi-Facials done at our clinic?
Some of the common medi-facials done at our clinic are : Party facial , Hydrating acial, Ageless facial, Instant glow facial, Radiance facial, Anti-acne facial , De-tan facial etc. Each facial is done under the supervision of our dermatologist and customised as per individual’s age, skin type and concerns.