Feminine Care FAQ's

What is the importance of vaginal health?

As women, our vaginal health is an important part of our total well-being. And talking about vaginal health doesn't have to be uncomfortable.Women generally suffer in silence, ignore the problem until it gets very severe, or use home remedies which tends to worsen the situation The vaginal infections (vaginitis) may be bacterial, fungal or viral infections, or maybe due to dermatological conditions. Very often, the skin around the entrance to the vagina (vulva) can also become irritated. Occasionally, problems which are neglected for several years can transform into cancers. Ongoing vaginal health issues can cause stress or relationship problems and impact one's self-confidence.

What upsets the normal vaginal balance?

Generally, the vagina has an acidic pH about 3.8-4.5, because of rich quantities of bacteria and yeast. However, some things can disturb that healthy balance such as douches, soaps, antibiotics, hormone level changes, vaginal intercourse , pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What are the common signs and symptoms of infective vaginitis?

Infective vaginitis may be bacterial, fungal or viral and present with -Itching, irritation, soreness, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and pain or burning during urination, sometimes fishy odour.

What is Noninfectious vaginitis?

Noninfectious vaginitis is when the skin around the vagina becomes sensitive to any irritant such as scented tampons, perfumed soaps, bubblebaths, fabric softeners or condom allergy. This is not an infection, and the solution is to avoid to whatever you are having a reaction to.

What are the dermatological conditions which can cause vaginitis?

These include psoriasis, lichen sclerosis, erosive lichen planus, bullous vaginitis, eczema, Bowen disease, plasma cell vaginitis, and pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions (presenting as mainly itching , pain, burning, sores, discolourations, ulcers, lumps or growths)

Why are post-menopausal women more prone to vaginitis?

After menopause, estrogen levels decrease. As a result, tissues in the vagina become thinner, drier, and more fragile. Cracks or sores may form, providing access for bacteria or yeast. Also, acidity in the vagina decreases, increasing the risk of infection.

What are some general tips for maintaining a healthy vulva and vagina?

  • Clean the area with luke warm water only to avoid disrupting your natural pH
  • Avoid soaps (bars or liquid) to clean this delicate area,as these can upset the PH balance of this area, leading to infection, irritation, and even bad smells.
  • Avoid scented creams, perfumes, scented wipes, scented pads and tampons in this area
  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting and synthetic undergarments as these create warm, moist conditions in which infections thrive.
  • Change out of wet swimsuits and sweaty workout clothes as quickly as possible.
  • Change menstrual products frequently to prevent bacterial growth
  • Always wipe front to back when using the toilet, to avoid bacterial contamination of the vagina
  • Always use a disinfectant while using public toilet or disposable seat covers to prevent risk of getting fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Practice safe sex (using condoms-either male or female) to keep harmful germs away
  • Make sure both partners are treated for any genital infections as these can recur if the other partner is untreated.
  • Sometimes a cervical swab and a skin biopsy may be required to be taken.

Handling vaginal and vulvar problems requires special diagnostic skills and experience. Hence , it is important for women to visit a dermatologist and gynaecologist at the earliest, inorder to improve their health and wellbeing.

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